...growing in faith together through prayer
and Sacraments ~ to evangelize and to serve.
STARTING SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 ************
Change in Mass Schedules Weekend and Weekday Liturgical Schedule: Sacrament of Penance ( Confession) Saturday: 3:30-4:15pm and after the 5pm Mass.
Sunday: Mass 8am and 11:30am
Weekdays: Mondays: 7pm Mass with Novena, followed by recitation of the Rosary.
Tuesdays: & Thursdays: Mass at 7am
Wednesdays: & Fridays: Mass at 12:10pm
Saturdays: Communion Service at 7am, followed by recitation of the Rosary. Baptism: Sundays after 11:30 am Mass. Every second and fourth Sundays of the month.
We will have 7:00 am Mass on every First Saturday of the month Starting Oct. 5th. Follow by the Rosary
Parish Registration If you are 18 or older, you should be registered as a parishioner independently from your parents. If you are not a registered member, you are not eligible for letters of Sponsorship. To receive Sponsorship letter to be a Godparent or Confirmation sponsor, you would need to be an active member. If you receive envelopes, please use them. This is how we know your attendance at Mass (Which is a important for sponsor letters). The only way to verify faithful attendance at Mass is through the envelope system.
Online Giving Click Here Our Lady of Lourdes Church - MILLTOWN, NJ | Online Giving (osvhub.com)
Envelopes Starting your next envelope sets around October 2024, there will be an extra envelope in the package for maintenance. This collection is for the Church up keeping and ground keeping. It will be once a month. Thank you in advance.
You may also stream Mass here.
On Ash Wednesday We will have masses at 7am, 12:10pm, and 7pm, with distribution of ashes.
Stations of the Cross will be said at 7:00 pm every Friday throughout Lent.
2025 Lenten Obligations
1) The days of both fast and abstinence are Ash Wednesday (March 5) and Good Friday (April 18).
2) The other Fridays of Lent (Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28; April 4, and 11)
are days of abstinence.
3) Fasting in the Roman Catholic tradition means to limit oneself
to one full meal with two smaller meals which together do not
equal the size of your full meal. The obligation of fasting applies only to
Catholics between ages of 18 and 59.
4) Abstinence in the Roman Catholic tradition means to abstain
from eating meat (beef, chicken, pork, turkey, etc.).
The obligation of abstinence applies to all Catholics who
have reached the age of 14.
Saturday: 3:30-4:15pm and after the 5pm Mass.
All students in the Religious Ed program must attend at least on Friday during Lent.
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Grades 1 to 5 will be held in the school on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:50PM.
All updated information for the 2024/2025 school year can be found under the "FAITH" tab above.